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The caido.config.ts file is used to configure your package. It will used to generate the manifest.json automatically.

import { defineConfig } from "@caido-community/dev";

export default defineConfig({
  id: "my-plugin",
  name: "My Plugin",
  description: "A plugin for Caido",
  version: "0.0.0",
  author: {
    name: "Caido Labs Inc.",
    email: "",
    url: "",
  plugins: [
      kind: "frontend",
      id: "my-frontend",
      name: "My Frontend",
      root: "packages/my-frontend",
      backend: {
        id: "my-backend",
      assets: ["my-assets/*.png"],
      kind: "backend",
      id: "my-backend",
      name: "My Backend",
      root: "packages/my-backend",

Global Options

idstringYesMust be unique and must only consist of lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores (the order of which must satisfy the regex: ^[a-z]+(?:[_-][a-z0-9]+)*$).
namestringYesThe name of your plugin. This is the name that will be displayed when a user installs your plugin.
descriptionstringYesThe description of your plugin. This is the description that will be displayed when a user installs your plugin.
versionstringYesRepresents the version of your plugin using Semantic Versioning.

Author Options

namestringYesThe name of the author of your plugin.
emailstringNoThe email of the author of your plugin.
urlstringNoThe URL of the author of your plugin.

Frontend Plugin Options

kind"frontend"YesThe kind of plugin.
idstringYesThe id of the plugin.
namestringNoThe name of the plugin. Defaults to the id.
rootstringYesThe root directory of the frontend plugin. (e.g. packages/my-frontend)
backend.idstringYesThe id of the backend plugin that this frontend plugin is associated with.
viteViteConfigNoAdditional Vite configuration for the frontend plugin.
assetsArray<string>NoAssets to package with the plugin. Supports glob for files and directories (recursive copy)

Backend Plugin Options

kind"backend"YesThe kind of plugin.
idstringYesThe id of the plugin.
namestringNoThe name of the plugin. Defaults to the id.
rootstringYesThe root directory of the backend plugin. (e.g. packages/my-backend)
assetsArray<string>NoAssets to package with the plugin. Supports glob for files and directories (recursive copy)