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The plugin_packages.json file in the caido/store repository contains the metadata for all plugins available in the Caido store.

In order to add your plugin to the store, you'll need to add an entry to this file.

Here's an example of what the plugin_packages.json file looks like:

    "id": "authmatrix",
    "name": "AuthMatrix",
    "license": "CC0-1.0",
    "description": "Grid-based authorization testing across multiple users and roles.",
    "author": {
      "name": "Caido Labs Inc.",
      "email": "",
      "url": ""
    "public_key": "MCowBQYDK2VwAyEA+du2fw/I+CV6MKEpu0aJ1ki2+MO2V0SnaRB91+GbHwQ=",
    "repository": "caido-community/authmatrix"

Here's a summary of each field:

idA unique identifier for your plugin. Search plugin_packages.json to confirm that there's no existing plugin with the same id.
nameYour plugin's name. This will be used as the display name in the store.
licenseThe license of your plugin.
descriptionA short description of your plugin.
authorAuthor details of your plugin.
public_keyThe Base64 part of the public key generated in the Setting up your repository guide. Don't include the header/footer (BEGIN/END PUBLIC KEY).
repositoryThe path to your GitHub repository. For example, if your GitHub repo is, the path is username/repo-name.