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Backend SDK


The SDK object is an interface that provides access to various services and functionalities.

export declare type SDK = {
  console: Console;
  findings: FindingsSDK;
  requests: RequestsSDK;
  asString(array: Bytes): string;

console: Console;

findings: FindingsSDK;

requests: RequestsSDK;



const spec = new RequestSpec(`""`);
  .then((res) => {
  .catch((err) => {

asString(array: Bytes): string;

  • A helper function that converts Bytes (string/Array<number>/Uint8Array) to a string, replacing unprintable characters with .



export function run(input, sdk) {
  let parsed = sdk.asString(input);
  return parsed;


  • The RequestsSDK type interface provides methods in order to interact with requests.
export declare type RequestsSDK = {
  send(request: RequestSpec | RequestSpecRaw): Promise<RequestResponse>;
  inScope(request: Request | RequestSpec): boolean;

send(request: RequestSpec | RequestSpecRaw): Promise<RequestResponse>;

  • This method will send an HTTP request. The request parameter type is a RequestSpec object class instance OR a RequestSpecRaw object class instance. The return type is a Promise that resolves as a RequestResponse pair. An error is logged if the request cannot be sent.


const spec = new RequestSpec(`""`);
  .then((res) => {
  .catch((err) => {

In this example:

  • The res variable stores the resolved value of the Promise returned by sdk.requests.send(spec).
  • Upon successful resolution of the Promise, the request ID and response code will be printed as an entry to the backend log file using sdk.console.log.
  • If the request failed, an error message will be printed as an entry to the backend log file using sdk.console.log.

inScope(request: Request | RequestSpec): boolean;

This method will use the request parameter with a type of Request OR RequestSpec to check if the request is in-scope or out-of-scope based on the boolean type return value of true or false (respectively).



if (sdk.requests.inScope(request)) {
  sdk.console.log("In scope");

In this example:

  • The Boolean value will be printed as an entry to the backend log file using sdk.console.log.


  • The FindingsSDK type interface provides a method to create a new Finding.
export declare type FindingsSDK = {
  create(spec: FindingSpec): Promise<Finding>;

create(spec: FindingSpec): Promise<Finding>;

  • This method will use the spec parameter with a type of FindingSpec. The return type is a Promise (since the function is asynchronous) that resolves as Finding.



  title: "Title",
  description: "Description",
  reporter: "Reporter",



The Console interface defines log printing methods. Currently, logs are only available in the backend logs.

export declare type Console = {
  debug(message: any): void;
  log(message: any): void;
  warn(message: any): void;
  error(message: any): void;


The definition syntax is as follows: method(parameter: type): return type;

The message parameter can accept any value type. The return type is void since no value is returned (messages are simply logged).

debug(message: any): void;

  • This will add a debug message entry to the backend logs for troubleshooting purposes.

log(message: any): void;

  • This will add a general message entry to the backend logs.

warn(message: any): void;

  • This will add a warning message entry to the backend logs for the identification of unexpected occurrences.

error(message: any): void;

  • This will add an error message entry to the backend logs for troubleshooting more critical issues.


The Body class interface defines the structure and methods for the data body of requests and responses. This object class represents the body content of an HTTP request/response and provides methods for accessing and manipulating the data within it.

export declare class Body {
  constructor(data: string | Array<number> | Uint8Array);
  toText(): string;
  toJson(): any;
  toRaw(): Uint8Array;


The definition syntax is as follows: method(): return data type;

The constructor creates an instance of the class. The data parameter can be of type string OR Array<number> OR Uint8Array.



const body = new Body("Hello world.");
const body = new Body([72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 46]);
const body = new Body(new Uint8Array([72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 46]));

Will all create a body of Hello world.

toText(): string;

  • This method will convert the body data into a string. Unprintable characters will be replaced with .

toJson(): any;

  • This method will parse the body data as JSON and returns an object of any type. If the body data is not valid JSON - a SyntaxError will be logged automatically and the Workflow will fail.

toRaw(): Uint8Array;

  • This method will convert the raw body data into a Uint8Array.


The Request type interface represents a saved immutable HTTP request object and provides methods for accessing the data within it.

export declare type Request = {
  getId(): ID;
  getHost(): string;
  getPort(): number;
  getTls(): boolean;
  getMethod(): string;
  getPath(): string;
  getQuery(): string;
  getHeaders(): Record<string, Array<string>>;
  getHeader(name: string): Array<string> | undefined;
  getBody(): Body | undefined;
  toSpec(): RequestSpec;
  toSpecRaw(): RequestSpecRaw;

getId(): ID;

  • This method will return the ID - a unique numerical identifier of the request.

getHost(): string;

  • This method will return the host of the request in type string.

getPort(): number;

  • This method will return the port that the request was sent to in type number.

getTls(): boolean;

  • This method will return a boolean (true/false) value type - indicating whether the request was sent using TLS encryption (HTTPS).

getMethod(): string;

  • This method will return the HTTP Method that the request utilized in type string.

getPath(): string;

  • This method will return the path of the request URL in type string.

getQuery(): string;

  • This method will return the query of the request URL in type string.

getHeaders(): Record<string, Array<string>>;

  • This method returns an object representing the headers of the request. The key of the returned object is the header name in type string. The returned value of the key is type Array<string> since headers can contain multiple values


The definition syntax is as follows: Record<key, value>;

Record allows you to define a mapped-object type by specifying key-value pairs.



const headers = request.getHeaders();


  "Host": [""],
  "Connection": ["keep-alive"],
  "Content-Length": ["95"],

getHeader(name: string): Array<string> | undefined;

  • This method will return the value of a specified header in the request. The name parameter value is the header name in type string. The returned value is type Array<string> since the header can contain multiple values OR is of type undefined when there is an absence of a value (the specified header isn't present in the request).


The definition syntax is as follows: method(parameter: type): return type OR return type;



const header = request.getHeader("Content-Type");



getBody(): Body | undefined;

  • This method will return the request body as a Body instance OR undefined if no body exists.



const body = request.getBody();
const bodyContent = body.toText();

The backend logs will have an entry containing the body data of the request.

toSpec(): RequestSpec;

  • This method returns a RequestSpec object that represents a mutable version of the request. This now enables you to make modifications to the request (which was not possible before since the saved request from which toSpec() sources from is immutable which is why the majority of the methods available return data - not alter data).


Essentially, this method converts the Request object (which cannot be modified) into a new RequestSpec object than can be modified.

toSpecRaw(): RequestSpecRaw;

  • This method returns a RequestSpecRaw object that represents a mutable version of the request. This method differs in that it returns the request in raw format (Uint8Array).


Essentially, this method converts the Request object (which cannot be modified) into a new RequestSpecRaw object (the request is now represented in 8-bit unsigned integers) than can be modified.


The RequestSpec class interface defines the structure and methods for a request that has not yet been sent (as opposed to the saved request used by Request). This object class represents a mutable HTTP request and provides methods for accessing and manipulating the data within it.

export declare class RequestSpec {
  constructor(url: string);
  getHost(): string;
  setHost(host: string): void;
  getPort(): number;
  setPort(port: number): void;
  getTls(): boolean;
  setTls(tls: boolean): void;
  getMethod(): string;
  setMethod(method: string): void;
  getPath(): string;
  setPath(path: string): void;
  getQuery(): string;
  setQuery(query: string): void;
  getHeaders(): Record<string, Array<string>>;
  getHeader(name: string): Array<string> | undefined;
  setHeader(name: string, value: string): void;
  removeHeader(name: string): void;
  getBody(): Body | undefined;
  setBody(body: Body | Bytes, options?: SetBodyOptions): void;
  setRaw(raw: Bytes): RequestSpecRaw;

type SetBodyOptions = {
  updateContentLength: boolean;


The constructor creates an instance of the class. The url parameter can be of type string.


  • You can convert a saved immutable Request object into a RequestSpec object by using the toSpec() method. Example: request.toSpec();
  • The default HTTP Method utilized is GET.
  • You can include the schema, host and port to the URL (path and query are not supported) - allowing you to easily prepopulate some of the properties.
  • Once initialized (by supplying the constructor URL), the host component is extracted from the URL and used internally within the RequestSpec class. To explicitly change the host, see the setHost(host: string): void; method below.

getHost(): string;

  • This method will return the host of the request in type string.

setHost(host: string): void;

  • This method explicitly sets the host of the request in the case you want to change it. The host parameter value is the domain name (including subdomains, if any) in type string. The return type is void as no value is returned.


The setHost() method of RequestSpec will apply to both the Host header of the request and the connection parameter of the TCP stream.



const request = new RequestSpec("");

The request's target host of will be replaced with

getPort(): number;

  • This method will return the port that the request was sent to in type number.

setPort(port: number): void;

  • This method sets the port of the request. The port parameter value is of type number. The return type is void as no value is returned.

getTls(): boolean;

  • This method will return a boolean (true/false) value type - indicating whether the request was sent using TLS encryption (HTTPS).

setTls(tls: boolean): void;

  • This method configures the request to utilize a TLS connection or not. The tls parameter value is of type boolean (true/false). The return type is void as no value is returned.

getMethod(): string;

  • This method will return the HTTP Method that the request utilized in type string.

setMethod(method: string): void;

  • This method specifies the HTTP Method of the request. The method parameter value is of type string. The return type is void as no value is returned.

getPath(): string;

  • This method will return the path of the request URL in type string.

setPath(path: string): void;

  • This method sets the URL path of the request. The path parameter value is of type string. The return type is void as no value is returned.

getQuery(): string;

  • This method will return the query of the request URL in type string.

setQuery(query: string): void;

  • This method sets the URL query of the request. The query parameter value is of type string. The return type is void as no value is returned.

getHeaders(): Record<string, Array<string>>;

  • This method returns an object representing the headers of the request. The key of the returned object is the header name in type string. The returned value of the key is type Array<string> since headers can contain multiple values


The definition syntax is as follows: Record<key, value>;

Record allows you to define a mapped-object type by specifying key-value pairs.



const headers = request.getHeaders();


  "Host": [""],
  "Connection": ["keep-alive"],
  "Content-Length": ["95"],

getHeader(name: string): Array<string> | undefined;

  • This method will return the value of a specified header in the request. The name parameter value is the header name in type string. The returned value is type Array<string> since the header can contain multiple values OR is of type undefined when there is an absence of a value (the specified header isn't present in the request).


The definition syntax is as follows: method(parameter: type): return type OR return type;



const header = request.getHeader("Content-Type");



setHeader(name: string, value: string): void;

  • This method sets an HTTP header. The name parameter value is the header name in type string. The value parameter takes the header value in type string. The return type is void as no value is returned.

removeHeader(name: string): void;

  • This method removes a HTTP header. The name parameter value is the header name in type string. The return type is void as no value is returned.

getBody(): Body | undefined;

  • This method will return the request body as a Body object class instance OR undefined if no body exists.



const body = request.getBody();
const bodyContent = body.toText();

The backend logs will have an entry containing the body data of the request.

setBody(body: Body | Bytes, options?: SetBodyOptions): void;

  • This method sets the body of the request. The body parameter type is a Body object class instance OR its value can be of type string/Array<number>/Uint8Array. The ? in options? signifies that the parameter is optional. options is of type SetBodyOptions (see directly below).



const body = new Body("Hello world.");
const options: SetBodyOptions = {updateContentLength: true;};
request.setBody(body, options);

type SetBodyOptions = {updateContentLength: boolean;};

  • This type definition introduces the ability to update the Content-Length header value of a request (for example, to match the size when considering the addition of payloads) or not.


updateContentLength is true by default.



const body = new Body("Hello world.");
const options: SetBodyOptions = {updateContentLength: true;};
request.setBody(body, options);

setRaw(raw: Bytes): RequestSpecRaw;

  • This method sets the raw bytes of the request. The raw parameter can be of type Bytes (string/Array<number>/Uint8Array). The return type is a RequestSpecRaw object which represents the raw request.


Essentially, this method converts the RequestSpec object into a new RequestSpecRaw object (the request is now represented in 8-bit unsigned integers) than can be modified.


This method is useful when you have a pre-existing byte representation of an HTTP request and want to set it directly without individually setting the properties (such as the HTTP Method, headers, the body, etc.).


const request = new RequestSpec(`""`);
const rawRequest = request.setRaw(rawBytes);

In this example:

  • A request, represented as a raw byte array, is supplied and stored in the rawBytes variable.
  • A new mutable request object is created and stored in the request variable.
  • The raw byte array of the request stored in rawBytes is applied to the newly created request object stored in request.
  • Returned is the RequestSpecRaw class object that represents the raw request.


The RequestSpecRaw class interface defines the structure and methods for a request that has been set using the setRaw() method of the RequestSpec class. This object class represents a mutable raw HTTP request and provides methods for accessing and manipulating the raw bytes within it.

export declare class RequestSpecRaw {
  constructor(url: string);
  getHost(): string;
  setHost(host: string): void;
  getPort(): number;
  setPort(port: number): void;
  getTls(): boolean;
  setTls(tls: boolean): void;
  getRaw(): Uint8Array;
  setRaw(raw: Bytes): void;


The constructor creates an instance of the class. The url parameter can be of type string.

getHost(): string;

  • This method will return the host of the request in type string.

setHost(host: string): void;

  • This method explicitly sets the host of the request in the case you want to change it. The host parameter value is the domain name in type string. The return type is void as no value is returned.


The setHost() method of RequestSpecRaw will apply only to the connection parameter of the TCP stream.

getPort(): number;

  • This method will return the port that the request was sent to in type number.

setPort(port: number): void;

  • This method sets the port of the request. The port parameter value is of type number. The return type is void as no value is returned.

getTls(): boolean;

  • This method will return a boolean (true/false) value type - indicating whether the request was sent using TLS encryption (HTTPS).

setTls(tls: boolean): void;

  • This method configures the request to utilize a TLS connection or not. The tls parameter value is of type boolean (true/false). The return type is void as no value is returned.

getRaw(): Uint8Array;

  • This method will return the raw body of the request in type Uint8Array.

setRaw(raw: Bytes): void;

  • This method sets the raw bytes of the request. The raw parameter can be of type Bytes (string/Array<number>/Uint8Array).


The Response type interface represents a saved immutable HTTP response object and provides methods for accessing the data within it.

export declare type Response = {
  getId(): ID;
  getCode(): number;
  getHeaders(): Record<string, Array<string>>;
  getHeader(name: string): Array<string> | undefined;
  getBody(): Body | undefined;

getId(): ID;

  • This method will return the ID - a unique numerical identifier of the response.

getCode(): number;

  • This method will return the HTTP Status Code of the response in type number.

getHeaders(): Record<string, Array<string>>;

  • This method returns an object representing the headers of the response. The key of the returned object is the header name in type string. The returned value of the key is type Array<string> since headers can contain multiple values


The definition syntax is as follows: Record<key, value>;

Record allows you to define a mapped-object type by specifying key-value pairs.



const headers = response.getHeaders();


  "Date": ["Sun, 26 May 2024 10:59:21 GMT"],
  "Content-Type": ["text/html"]

getHeader(name: string): Array<string> | undefined;

  • This method will return the value of a specified header in the response. The name parameter value is the header name in type string. The returned value is type Array<string> since the header can contain multiple values OR is of type undefined when there is an absence of a value (the specified header isn't present in the response).


The definition syntax is as follows: method(parameter: type): return type OR return type;



const header = response.getHeader("Content-Type");



getBody(): Body | undefined;

  • This method will return the response body as a Body instance OR undefined if no body exists.



const body = response.getBody();
const bodyContent = body.toText();

The backend logs will have an entry containing the body data of the response.


  • The RequestResponse type interface represents a saved immutable HTTP request and its associated saved immutable response as a pair. All of the methods available to the respective objects are available to use.
export declare type RequestResponse = {
  request: Request;
  response: Response;

request: Request;

response: Response;


The Finding type interface represents a saved immutable Finding.

export declare type Finding = {
  getId(): ID;
  getTitle(): string;
  getDescription(): string | undefined;
  getReporter(): string;

getID(): ID;

  • This method will return the ID - a unique numerical identifier of the Finding.

getTitle(): string;

  • This method will return the Title of the Finding in type string. The Title is associated with the Finding entry and is usually used as a label.

getDescription(): string | undefined;

  • This method will return the Description of the Finding in type string OR undefined if no description exists. The Description is optional and provides details on the Finding.

getReporter(): string;

  • This method will return the Reporter of the Finding in type string. The Reporter identifies what discovered the Finding (for example, the Reporter value will be the name of a Workflow).

toSpec(): FindingSpec;

  • This method returns a FindingSpec object that represents a mutable version of the Finding.


The Finding type interface represents a mutable Finding that has been identified and has not yet been created.

export declare type FindingSpec = {
  title: string;
  description?: string | undefined;
  reporter: string;
  request: Request;

title: string;

  • The title property is of type string and is associated with the Finding entry and is usually used as a label.

description?: string | undefined;

  • The description property is of type string OR undefined if no description exists. The Description is optional (?) and provides details on the Finding.

reporter: string;

  • The reporter property is of type string and identifies what discovered the Finding (for example, the Reporter value will be a Workflow).

request: Request;



export declare type HttpInput = {
  request: Request | undefined;
  response: Response | undefined;


export declare type BytesInput = Array<number>;


export declare type ID = string;


export declare type Data = Bytes;


export declare type Decision = boolean;


export declare type Bytes = string | Array<number> | Uint8Array;


  • Allows for the handling of both synchronous and asynchronous values.
export declare type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;