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Plugin Frontend

The frontend client component of Caido is the application running on your device.

Frontend development allows you to:

  • Enhance the user-interface/experience.
  • Add new pages, components and elements.
  • Modify the appearance, behavior and functionality of the user-interface.
  • Provide additional features and customization options.
  • Handle user interactions, render data and communicate with the backend server via Caido's API.

For advanced documentation on this topic - click here.

sdk.navigation - Used to create pages in the application and navigate to them.

sdk.sidebar - Used to add an entry to the left-hand navigation menu in the Caido user-interface to navigate between pages.

sdk.ui - Used to create visual elements. Content options for each element are also provided. These elements provide a way to sectionalize the user-interface of your plugin.

sdk.scopes - Used to set, create, update and delete Scope Presets, ensuring your plugin is directed at desired hosts.

sdk.findings - Used to create Findings.

sdk.commands - Used to register actions to expose functionality, bind actions to the user-interface and implement business logic. - Used to register right-click context menu actions/options and create a plugin specific settings page, allowing quick access to your plugin functionality.

sdk.window - Used to interact with text within the application environment, allowing text selection, replacement, read permission designations, focusing and editor related messaging. - Used to persist data across different sessions or instances.

sdk.shortcuts - Used to register a command shortcut.


Caido has heavily referenced Visual Studio Code's Command Model.


Be aware that your plugin can be loaded in multiple user tabs.

Frontend Starterkit Repository Contents

Caido convieniently offers a plugin starterkit that can serve as a skeleton model to offer insight into SDK usage and be further built upon.


  • For documentation on the tooling files shared by all plugin starterkits offered by Caido - click here.
  • The starterkit can be found here.

Frontend Starterkit Directories

The public directory stores the styles.css file used to stylize elements of your plugin.

The src directory stores the following files:

  • index.ts file is acts as the entrypoint file (the initial script that is loaded and executed, setting up the necessary resources and handling further logic and interactions with the plugin). Within this file - an init function export is required in order to initialize the plugin. The init function receives a caido object of type Caido which is the SDK (importable from @caido/sdk-frontend) used to interact with the frontend application. Click here for the full type definition.

  • types.ts: This file allows you the ability to declare new types usable in your plugin.