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Creating a Command

Commands are used to register actions to expose functionality, bind actions to the user-interface and implement business logic.

Registering a Command

sdk.commands.register("hello", {
  name: "Print to console.",
  run: () => console.log("Hello world!"),
  group: "Custom Commands",

This creates a command.

  • "hello" is the id that is used to reference the command.
  • "Print to console." is the command name that will be displayed in context menus and within the command palette.
  • "Custom Commands" is the category group within the command palette that the command will be listed under.


The optional when property defines a conditional that must be met for the command to be available.

For example, to explicity set the command to be available at all times, when: () => true can be used.

Adding a Command to the Command Palette


This registers the previously created command to the command palette.

Register command SDK.