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Using Environment Variables

You may want to allow users to use environment variables set via the Environment page in your Caido plugin.

Adding environment variables.

Getting the Value: Frontend Call to Backend Function

To securely access environment variables in Caido, the sdk.env.getVar() method can be used:


import type { DefineAPI, SDK } from "caido:plugin";

export type API = DefineAPI<{
  getSession: () => Promise<string | undefined>;

export function init(sdk: SDK<API>) {
  // Register an API endpoint that frontend can call.
  sdk.api.register("getSession", async () => {
    return sdk.env.getVar("User A");


const button = document.createElement("button");
button.textContent = "Check for Env Variable";
button.classList.add("bg-blue-500", "text-white", "p-2", "rounded");
button.addEventListener("click", async () => {
  const apiKey = await sdk.backend.getSession();
  // Display the message as text.
  statusText.textContent = apiKey ? "SESSION FOUND" : "NO SESSION SET";

Getting the Value: Frontend Call

The method is also available to the frontend directly.


const button = document.createElement("button");
button.textContent = "Check for Env Variable";
button.classList.add("bg-blue-500", "text-white", "p-2", "rounded");
button.addEventListener("click", () => {
  const value = sdk.env.getVar("User A");
  statusText.textContent = value ? "SESSION FOUND" : "NO SESSION SET";

The Result

Adding environment variables.Adding environment variables.