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If you want to share your plugin package with the Caido community, the best way is to submit it to the official list of plugin packages. Once we've reviewed and published your plugin package, users will be able to install it directly from within Caido.

You only need to submit your plugin packge once. Once it has been accept, users will be able to download new releases from GitHub directly.


Step 1: Create a repository

All Caido plugin packages must have their source code on GitHub. If you're unfamiliar with GitHub, refer to the GitHub docs for how to Create a new repository.

Using a template

If you are not familiar with the plugin system of Caido and/or the release process. We highly recommend that you start with one of our templates.

  1. Visit
  2. Select Use this template -> Create a new repository
  3. Give it a name
  4. Select Create repository

Step 2: Preparation

At the root of your repository please ensure that you have:

  • Have a manifest.json file that follows the standard Caido manifest format.
  • Have a LICENSE file to describe the licensing of your plugin package.
  • Have a file to describe the goal and usage of your plugin packge.

Step 3: Generate a key-pair

All plugin packages must releases be signed to be installable in Caido. We use public-key signature using ed25519 keys for that purpose. Learn more.

1. Generate the private key: openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out private.pem.

The file private.pem will contain the following format:



Keep this key very private! Ideally, you should encrypt it or store it in Github Action Secrets.

2. Generate the public key: openssl pkey -in private.pem -pubout --out public.pem

The file public.pem will contain the following format:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----


This is safe to share with other people, in fact it will be used later in the store.

Step 4: Create a release

There are two ways to create a release, either manually or using the Github Workflow from our starterkit.


  1. In manifest.json, update the version field to a new version that follows the Semantic Versioning specification, for example 0.1.0 for your initial release. Only use numbers and dots.
  2. Build the plugin package zip archive. If you use the starterkit, this will be pnpm build and it will create dist/
  3. Generate the signature: openssl pkeyutl -sign -inkey private.pem -out dist/ -rawin -in dist/
  4. Create a GitHub release. The Tag version of the release must match the version in your manifest.json, it must not include a v prefix.
  5. Enter a name for the release, and describe it in the description field. Caido doesn't use the release name for anything, but we recommend also using the version for simplicity.
  6. Upload the following assets to the release as binary attachments:

Github Workflow

If you want to simplify your life, we have created a Github Workflow to automate all the steps from above.

  1. Add your private key in a Github Action Secret called PRIVATE_KEY.
  2. In manifest.json, update the version field to a new version that follows the Semantic Versioning specification, for example 0.1.0 for your initial release. Only use numbers and dots.
  3. In Actions, trigger the Release workflow.
Store release Github Workflow

Step 5: Submit your plugin for review

In this step, we will submit your plugin to the Caido store for review.

  1. Go to the repository

  2. In plugin_packages.json, selct Edit this file in the in the upper-right corner.

  3. Add a new entry at the end of the JSON array.

      "id": "my-unique-plugin",
      "name": "My Unique Plugin",
      "license": "CC0-1.0",
      "description": "This my super cool new Caido plugin",
      "author": {
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": "",
        "url": ""
      "public_key": "MCowBQYDK2VwAyEA0zDx1tIO7S/d+AYFjLLmTA6pvuEyf+70KfcgVi1DNhc=",
      "repository": "john/my-unique-plugin"

    A few things to be aware of:

    • id,name, author, license, and description determine how your plugin appear to the user in Caido.
    • id is unique to your plugin. Search plugin_packages.json to confirm that there's no existing plugin with the same id.
    • public_key is the base64 part of the public key generated in Step 3. Don't include the header/footer (BEGIN/END PUBLIC KEY).
    • repository is the path to your GitHub repository. For example, if your GitHub repo is, the path is username/repo-name.


    Remember to add a comma after the closing brace (}) of the previous entry otherwise the json will not be valid!

  4. Select Commit changes... in the upper-right corner.

  5. Select Propose changes.

  6. In the name of the pull request, enter Add <YOUR PLUGIN PACKAGE NAME>

  7. Fill in the details in the description for the pull request. For the checkboxes, insert an x between the brackets, [x], to mark them as done.

  8. Click Create pull request.

You've now submitted your plugin package to the Caido store. Our bot will verify that that format is correct and you will have to sign the Contributor License Agreement. Once your submission is ready for review, you can sit back and wait for the Caido team to review it.

Step 6: Address review comments

Once a Caido team member has reviewed your plugin, they will add a comment to your pull request with the result of the review. The reviewer may ask that you update your plugin, or they can offer suggestions on how you can improve it.

Address any required changes and update the GitHub release with the new changes. Leave a comment on the PR to let us know you've addressed the feedback.

We will publish the plugin as soon we have verified that all required changes have been addressed.

Next steps

Once your plugin is published, it is time to announce it to the community ✨

  • Announce it in the Plugin #discussion channel on Discord.