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Customizing Context Menus

The context menu is the list of actions/options that appears when right-clicking within an application.

Used to register right-click context menu actions/options and create a plugin specific settings page, allowing quick access to your plugin functionality.

Registering an Entry to the Context Menu

  type: "Request",
  commandId: "hello",
  leadingIcon: "fas fa-hand",

This registers the previously created command to the context menu.

The type property specifies which context menu to add the action/option to:

  • Request makes it available when right-clicking in a request pane.
  • RequestRow makes it available when right-clicking on a request in a table.
  • Response makes it available when right-clicking in a response pane.
  • Settings makes it available when right-clicking in the settings menu.

The commandId value is the name of the registered command to execute.

The leadingIcon property is optional and adds an icon on the leading side of the entry.


When using the Settings value - an additional property of path exists which takes a string value of the path to be navigated to.

Register context menu SKD.